Updates on Inflammatory Bowel Disease! (IBD) With Notes on Substitutes for Bertes Blend Outside of the U.S.

Updates on Inflammatory Bowel Disease! (IBD) With Notes on Substitutes for Bertes Blend Outside of the U.S.

One big issue people have is with their dogs are stomach upsets are symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, straining, inability to change diets successfully and the dog losing weight. All these issues cause the dog’s owners much stress, worry and anxiety. On visits to their veterinarian, they can get a variety…

Is it Important for Dogs to Fast? And Does Feeding Once a Day Give More Longevity? These Questions are Answered Here.

Is it Important for Dogs to Fast? And Does Feeding Once a Day Give More Longevity? These Questions are Answered Here.

NewScientist published an article in 2021 stating feeding dogs once a day may prolong age. The study was done by volunteers who claimed to have only fed their dogs once a day. People have grabbed this and ran with it, proclaiming it was true and now a fact.

How Much Protein is Really in Your Dog’s Food?

How Much Protein is Really in Your Dog’s Food?

Essential amino acids must be consumed by carnivores, and these are found in animal sourced foods.

There are a few plant based food that contain essential amino acids, but the amounts dogs would need to consume make this not reliable in amount or balance.

Also missing from plant-based foods for dogs is zinc, calcium, B vitamins and especially B 12, Iron (dogs must have iron from animal-based products) retinal based vitamin A (they have difficulty using beta-carotene).

Know What is True and What is False about Feeding Dogs, Some Simple Answers!

Know What is True and What is False about Feeding Dogs, Some Simple Answers!

This month we bring you “Myths about Feeding Dogs”.

Feeding your dog, a healthy diet is not difficult. You just need to follow a few simple rules and apply some common sense.

As we mentioned last month, many feeding myths are discussed among dog fanciers. It is important for you to know what ‘myth’ is and what is ‘truth’ when it comes to canine nutrition.

Therefore, check and double check any nutritional information you find on the internet when it comes to feeding your dogs. Your dogs will certainly appreciate you knowing the truth and feeding them accordingly.

Supplement Suggestions and Diets for Seizures

Supplement Suggestions and Diets for Seizures

I have attempted to write this article several times but stopped. This is partly because in many cases, the causes of epilepsy cannot be determined and the treatment options available are not very good. It is probable that most causes of epilepsy are genetic, however to date; no genetic tests have been successful in determining the cause. Sometimes, seizures can be caused by medical conditions such as liver shunt issues or brain tumors, but even when treated, the seizures may continue. The prognosis is most frequently called ‘idiopathic epilepsy’, which means it comes from unknown causes.