In tradition, I will end the year with more links for canine health and nutrition that answer the most common questions I am asked about dog needs. For 2006 resources, please refer back to
Buck and Daisy, December 27th, 2007 wishing you a Happy New Year!
Atypical Addison’s Disease
Sharon Ogliie kindly sent me information on Atypical Addison’s Disease, and I am sharing that information here:
Dogs with Primary/Atypical Addison's will hae normal sodium and potassium readings yet the majority of Atypical’s still show many of the same symptoms as those dogs with Primary/Typical Addison’s such as lethargy, anorexia, hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia, anemia and/or GI upset.

Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals!
Lew Olson's newly revised book is filled with an abundance of new topics and information. Whether you are new to home feeding or a seasoned raw feeder, have a senior dog or a new puppy, a pregnant mom or a toy breed, this book presents all the information you need to make the best nutritional decisions for your dog.The only definitie test for Addison's Disease is the ACTH Stimulation Test. Unfortunately, passing the ACTH does not rule out Addison's Disease in the future.
Cushing’s Disease
Cushing’s Disease is the other side of Addison’s Disease – too much cortisol.
The next three links are good websites for knowing the signs of diabetes in dogs, howeer, I do not adocate the diet recommendations in these websites.
For dogs with Diabetes, I recommend a low fat, high protein and medium to low carbohydrate diet. Use carbohydrates with a low glycemic (sugar) index. I recommend feeding small, frequent meals – three to four a day. The link below includes some recipes for dogs with Diabetes.
This is when the thyroid does not secrete enough thyroid hormone. This thyroid hormone is important for metabolism and the link below show the ariety of symptoms. It is rare for dogs to hae a hyperthyroid condition. This is more commonly found in cats. Dogs with hypothyroidism do need prescription medications as this is a disease that cannot be treated naturally. For more information:
How to analyze Thyroid test results:
Interiew with Dr Jean Dodds DM and links for forms to mail her blood work for testing:
Since Addison’s, Cushing’s, Diabetes and Hypothyroidism can all lead to pancreatitis, I hae added some links on that ailment as well. Pancreatitis is a symptom of an inflamed pancreas, and feeding high fat diets can aggraate it, but they can not cause it. Besides the four disorders aboe, pancreatitis can be the outcome of steroid use, certain antibiotic use and a few other prescription drugs. Always check for the reason causing this problem. I will post a website for recipes at the end, which I find more beneficial for nutrition and controlling the fat in the diet, while still proiding a good ariety of foods.
Pancreatitis and diet. This link includes easy-to-follow recipes:
Although this was mentioned in last year’s newsletter, I am including it again as it has been one of the more popular questions. Diet alone is not the answer. Treating the infection that creates the enironment for these crystals to grow is necessary. The best answer for treatment and diet is in Christie Keith’s blog:
Tips for Canine Health
Dental Care and Dogs
Another good article from the Pet Blog, features Nancy Campbell and Christie Keith. It is about what to look for and to expect in a canine dental:
Separation anxiety from dog trainers:
General anxiety:
Thunderstorm and Noise phobia’s: Melatonin.
Anxiety wraps for anxious pooches:
Overweight Dogs
The important thing to remember here is that oerweight dogs do *NOT* need a low fat or high fiber. They need to be fed slightly less amounts of a good, nutritious diet and offered more exercise. Read more:
Holistic Veterinarians
I often get requests to help people find a Holistic Veterinarian. It is important to understand there is a distinction and differences in the serices Holistic eterinarians offer. Most are specialized and proficient in a specified area. This includes classical Homeopathy, Chiropractic methods, Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese Herbs) to name a few modalities. I suggest you study each of these, and then begin to search for a Holistic Veterinarian that proides the serice you feel will fit you and your dog best.
Below are websites to help you find veterinarians offered each of these specialties.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese Herbs)
The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society:
American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture:
Chiropractic Veterinarians
Veterinarian Chiropractic Association:
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association:
Homeopathic Veterinarians
The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy:
And lastly, The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association:
This website lists veterinarians by modality.
Tips and Resources for Nutrition
Meat Grinders
This can be a tricky question. Deciding which brand or type you buy depends on what you plan to be grinding. Most grinders are good for vegetables, soft bones such as chicken or rabbit and some turkey bones. But a larger industrial type grinder is required to handle harder bones such as beef or lamb bones. The more economical types will grind softer bones, which is what most people need. Read the manufacturer claims thoroughly, and also check the warranties and guarantees.
This site carries 800 watt up to 1.5 horsepower, a good website to compare power and strength of the arious sizes:
The Maerick Meat Grinder has long been a popular tool for home use. It can be used for vegetables and chicken parts. Read more here:
Northern Tool also carries a good meat grinder, with similar capabilities to the Maerick. You can find it here:
Cabela’s also carries a wide ariety of meat grinders, including commercial grade. I hae heard good reiews of their products. Check it out here:
Lastly, if you find a meat grinder you like, but want a bargain, you can always try e-Bay.
Fish Oil Questions
Some common questions on fish oil include:
How much do I gie my dog? A rule of thumb is to gie 1,000 mg capsules (180EPA/120DHA) per twenty pounds of body weight. This amount can be doubled during times of illness and stress.
Is the omega 3 content the same as the milligram amounts? No, the 1,000 mg shows the amount of fish oil. The EPA and the DHA are the amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. Make sure the capsules you use are at least 180 EPA and 120 DHA.
Can I use the bottled oil instead of the capsules? You can, if you use the bottled oil quickly. The omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are fragile, and are destroyed quickly by heat, light and air. Capsules hold their integrity much longer and are more reliable in quality.
Do I need to add omega 6 as well? No, omega 6 fatty acids are found in most foods, including meat, vegetables, fat and grains. Too much omega 6 can promote inflammation and skin problems. That is why I recommend only adding omega 3 fatty acids to the diet, to counterbalance the oer abundance of omega 6 already in the diet.
Can I use vegetable oil for the omega 3 fatty acids in the diet? It is better to use animal based oil for omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish oils (including salmon, sardine, anchoy and other marine fish oils). These oils are already conerted and easy for dogs to assimilate. Plant oils (such as flax and hemp) are not conerted, and many dogs (and people) hae trouble conerting them. This gies more omega 6, and less or no omega 3 in the diet.
Weaning Puppies to a Raw Diet
It is generally no problem weaning puppies to a raw diet. They are much more adaptable than adults to this experience. Generally they can be started on a raw diet right when you bring them home.
If you are weaning puppies that you hae whelped and raised yourself, I generally start them at four weeks of age. Do not gie puppies whole food before this time, as their systems are not deeloped to eat whole foods, or foods other than mother’s milk (or like mother’s milk) before this time. Doing so can set up allergies and other problems as they mature.
Here are some recipes for starting puppies and weaning puppies: Puppy Raw Diet
These recipes are about 50% raw meaty bones, and 50% muscle meat and organ meat (about 5% to 10% of the diet). Puppies also get a snack of goat’s milk, plain yogurt and milk.
Types of Raw Meaty Bones
There are many types of raw meaty bones that can be fed to your dogs. Below is a short list to get you started:
Chicken wings, backs, necks and leg quarters Duck necks Turkey necks, cut up, also Emu parts Pork necks, breast, pig tails and pig feet Beef ribs, necks, tails Lamb ribs, necks and breast Rabbit, all parts Canned fish with bones (Jack Mackerel, Pink Salmon, Sardines) – but *NOT* canned tuna
For starting a raw diet, with recipes, go here:
These diets are about 50% raw meaty bones, and 50% muscle meat and organ meat (5% to 10% of the diet). You can add yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs and vegetables if you prefer.
A Good Article on Salmonella, and the Raw Diet
Very well written and documented article to help remove the fears of Salmonella and a raw diet:
Interesting enough, while I couldn’t find documented cases of dogs receiing salmonella from a raw diet, I found numerous articles on salmonella discoered in dog food and treats, causing recalls every year.
Using good common sense handling of raw meat, along with our ability to choose USDA inspected meat, offers us the choice and freedom to select the ingredients in our dog’s food and to make sure it is handled properly and kept fresh from the freezer, to the refrigerator and then directly to our dog’s stomach!
I hope you find these links useful. Be sure to refer back to last years resources in the December, 2006’s newsletter for more links and information!
Happy New Year to all of you, and best wishes for health, happiness and prosperity!
May all good things come your way in 2008!
Buck and Daisy say see you next year!